Spares / P.T.100 Wire with Teflon Shielded 3-Core Cable

P.T.100 Wire with Teflon Shielded 3-Core Cable

A P.T.100 wire with Teflon shielded 3-core cable is a specialized cable designed for precision temperature sensing applications, offering accurate and reliable measurement of temperature in industrial processes, laboratories, and scientific equipment. This cable features a three-core configuration with Teflon insulation and shielding, providing excellent thermal stability, electrical insulation, and protection against electromagnetic interference (EMI).

Whether used in industrial automation, laboratory research, or environmental monitoring applications, a P.T.100 wire with Teflon shielded 3-core cable offers precise temperature sensing, reliable signal transmission, and durable performance to meet the most demanding temperature measurement requirements with accuracy and confidence.

P.T.100 Wire with Teflon Shielded 3-Core Cable